IP's en listas negras

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IP's en listas negras

Hola, tenemos un problema con las IP's dinámicas que nos proporciona Movistar, todas ellas están en listas negras y nos es imposible llegar a nuestros clientes por correo electrónico, muchos de ellos no reciben los correos o sencillamente les llega el mail a su carpeta de spam. 

Esto es una empresa y estamos perdiendo mucho trabajo, dinero y esfuerzos, no sabemos que hacer, ya que nosotros no hacemos spam, reiniciamos el router y la nueva ip que nos proporcionáis ahí está, en 15, 16 o 17 listas de spam, por lo que estamos perdiendo mucho negocio.


Necesitamos una solución. Adjunto imagen, a los 5 segundos de reiniciar el router la ip que nos proporcionáis...


Captura de pantalla 2016-03-14 a las 19.21.26.jpg

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Hola dissenybcn y bienvenido al foro.


Como has podido comprobar la IP asociada a tu línea de acceso a Internet es de carácter dinámico. Por procedimientos internos de seguridad en Internet, la mayoría de los gestores de listas negras de correo incluyen en las mismas todos los rangos de IP's dinámicas de las distintas operadoras queprestan servicio de acceso a Internet. Por este motivo no es recomendable instalar servidores de correo saliente sobre líneas de acceso con IP's de carácter dinámico.


Te sugiero la migración a una IP de carácter estatico para que puedas continuar gestionando tu propio

servidor de correo saliente, o bien la gestión del servicio de correo a través de un proveedor externo.


Un saludo.

Puedes notificarnos cualquier aviso o fraude a través de nemesys@telefonica.esabuse@movistar.es o en el formulario Némesys

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Hola buenas tardes. Nosotros hemos hablado con movistar y nos dice que nuestra ip está en la lista negra de RATS-DYNA y hemos enviado un email a SPAM RATS para que nos saquen de la lista negra y la respuesta es: 


The IP address you have specified does not comply with best practices. Currently, the reverse DNS for this IP address is: 135.red-83-48-4.staticip.rima-tde.net. For more information, please review the above "List Specifications" section, or this



Check IP Reverse DNS

Information Details


Normally, the reason you have reached this page is because a mail server has sent you a message when it rejected an email from you, or one of your users.


If you are an email or network operator, you can continue reading this section

If you are a user sending email and it got blocked, you should read this section instead

Information for Email and Network Operators


Although email servers can by RFC accept connections from any IP Address most Best Practises documents insist that all identifiers are correctly used, and in the case of reverse DNS on the connecting IP Address this also applies.. The principal is that ALL email servers have a correct entry in DNS that resolves, and it should resolve to the responsible party for the email server.


This rule performs simple checks on the IP Address that is attempting to connect. Normally ALL IP addresses should have a correct reverse DNS, and especially email servers. Most Anti-Spam tools will reject email from places with no reverse DNS anyways, as this is a common trick of spammers to hide their identities. Or they have hijacked devices and computers that have been forgotten about. Or they use these IP’s in dictionary attacks. NOTE! During temporary DNS outages, this normally will reject with a 4xx error, allowing for retries. It is only on IP’s which have no authority that immediate 5xx denial is performed.


IF you DON’T have reverse DNS you probably have trouble sending to most places already. Although by ‘best practices’ the HELO ‘should’ be a fully qualified domain name that is publicly resolvable, this rule does not check for that as some operators may still be using a fully qualified domain name that is only used internally at their location.


It requires that the IP address of anyone trying to connect, have a reverse DNS entry for their IP Address.


In order to ensure that messages are not stopped by this check, make sure the HELO is a FQDN.


The reverse DNS string sent should in the style of:


host = mail.mycompany.com








The following bad example(s) will get rejected:




You should also read some of the other Best Practises documents if you have this problem. Also remember, according to Best Practises, having a reverse DNS that appears to be part of your upstream provider is not good enough for an email server. adsl.23.204.205.upstream.com means that it is an IP address they are responsible for. You are responsible for activity on this IP address if you send email, so make it easy for people to know how to reach you. Otherwise it looks like you are just an infected IP Address.


If you are the one sending the message, and you were blocked with this message, it is most likely that you do not have your email client set up correctly, and you should read the next section.


Information for users. Why was my email blocked?


If your email was blocked, and the link sent you here it is probably because the operator of your outbound mail server has either had a technical malfunction with his DNS, or misconfigured something. Best to call them and ask what the problem is. If they say they don’t need reverse DNS, think about changing to a more responsible provider. Usually they can rectify this quickly, or it was a temporary problem.


Normally, this rule will only block spammers and hackers.


Please check with the administrator of your outbound email server, or ISP for more information.


Nos dicen que contactemos con vosotros. ¿Qué podemos hacer ahora? Necesitamos solucionar urgente el problema porque somos una empresa y tenemos muchos problemas con los emails.Esperamos vuestra respuesta lo antes posible. Gracias! saludos.


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para que podamos analizar el problema que nos expones escríbenos a nemesys@movistar.es indicándonos todos los datos sobre la configuración de salida de tu correo electrónico y envíanos los textos completos con los rechazos que recibes desde el servidor distante. Toda esta información debes ponerla formando parte del cuerpo del mensaje y no como archivo adjunto al mismo.


Puedes notificarnos cualquier aviso o fraude a través de nemesys@telefonica.esabuse@movistar.es o en el formulario Némesys

También te invitamos a seguirnos en TwitterFacebook y Google+.

 Si necesitas contratar Fibra Ópticacomprobar tu cobertura Adsl y Fibrao ver información sobre la instalación de la fibra visita nuestra página ADSL y Fibra en movistar.es 
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